Dog Training
1 on 1 training is the most popular training method. One-on-one training includes setting up a free consultation where Jon will meet your dog and talk with you about the goals and expectations you have for your dog and you to learn in training. Jon will work with your dog a little bit in the consultation to teach you and your dog a few things. After the consultation, if you would like to start training the cost is approx, $400. There is not a set amount of sessions, Jon works with your dog until the goals are met. One-on-one sessions take place at MCC on Saturday and Sunday mornings/ early afternoons. It is the owner's responsibility to schedule times for these sessions. Please note that one on one training is about 3 weeks out from training. Please do not bring small kids along with to training, as we want to keep your dog focused and free of unnecessary distractions.
Classes will be held but they are not as frequent as one on one training. A month before a class is held MCC will post on MCC’s Facebook page so people can sign up for the class it will usually be once a week on a Wednesday or Monday at 6:30 pm for 4 weeks with one make-up session that everyone is welcome to attend. A free one-on-one session for your dog before the class starts so have a basic understanding of some skills before your dog is put in a group setting. Group classes are $225 per dog.